The Chilterns View, a dreamy holiday stay
The other day, Robert and I gave Catherine a ride into London.We picked her up from a dreamy little cabin in the middle of nowhere. It's a little holiday complex called The Chilterns View, and, for being so central to practically everywhere, it's standing in the middle of the lovely Chilterns countryside, beautifully isolated with fields, trees and wildflowers.R drove up into the middle of a field and asked, "where is the path again?"There's a path?!?But yes, there was a line where the clover wasn't quite so high.He said, "follow me. :D " and walked past a fire pit beside a pond...
...past a little rustic shelter...
...down a narrow path lined with wildflowers...
...up an even narrower path between trees...
...and onto the front porch of the little cabin.
Inside...OH WOW! To me, the little cabin looks like a bijou cigar box made form the finest, rarest woods to keep the precious contents perfectly safe. Here some tips about what you should know before purchasing cigar box.
Everything you might need is all contained within that little jewel of a box. There's a two burner kitchenette, a ultra modern bathroom, a little sitting area around a woodburner and a wonderful, comfy bed.
This is the view form the front porch. Couldn't you just sit out here and paint, write, photograph all day?
The outer skin of the cabin is a tough and beautiful canvas.
This is the patio space where you can sit and have a glass of wine. (and look out over that view)
I loved this boot pull and welly drier beside the front door.
This is R's look of, "One more shot and we really have to go, V."(sigh) I know.
I can see this being a fantastic artist's retreat. :DIn case you would like to check this wonderful place out, here are the contact details again.