An art day
It's been a funny kind of a day today, and I suppose there's something about the moon or this heat or something, because I woke up feeling super down.R and I were listening to the Sound of the 60s on BBC 4 over our breakfast in bed. Usually we end up bopping away to the silly songs, but today the songs just made me feel weepy. Especially the song Blackbird. I don't even know why...that's the drag of it all. I mean, nothing really happened at all! Maybe it's last night's bad sleep or a couple small annoyances that added up to a major downer...I don't really know. But R just hugged me thru it and told me that all we are are tiny, insignificant carbon-based lifeforms, spinning gently on this tiny planet, around a little burning star, in an obscure section of the Milky Way, a tiny galaxy in a universe of billions of galaxies, with other life forms thinking that they're all alone out there, and right now, this moment, everything's fine right here with us...and it was.Today was going to be an easy, stay at home kind of day for me. R had a client come today with his mini to have R map the engine, and so I took the afternoon to paint.I started the kingfisher the other day on a page from a 1920's copy of Grieg's Sigurd Jorsalfar, and so I finished him today.
But what I really wanted to paint was a blackbird. One page didn't seem like enough, so I took out two middle pages from the same Grieg and started these.
Many more layers of dark paint and then I'll stand them on fence posts.
I was looking thru some photos and found a few of some fireweed, (willowherb in the UK). Maybe I'll paint a bunch of fireweed behind and around my blackbirds.
Actually, I've been taking a bunch of random country photos these days because I think I'd like to paint an oil of a pastoral scene of some kind and my photos usually serve as terrific reference for paintings.I snapped this one, (like a lot of them), while R was driving yesterday.
You know, at the time I took this one, I thought to myself, "will that dead spiderweb show up" and then I though, "No, it probably wont."Well, actually, what I managed was to give myself a webby Dali moustache. :D
Big hugs, and I hope you all have a brilliant, happy and relaxing Sunday, which ever corner of the ol' globe you're in.