Doing everything right
Today was one of those do everything right days.Do you have those days? Do you know what I mean?It's one of those days you imagine having in your mind, you know, those kinds of days you know that you should strive to have every day in order to be healthy, productive, in love, successful, (fill in the blanks)... etc.Today I made time to be with R on our daily phone calls. Really be with him, listen to him, joke, sympathise, be there; really tried to take care of my love and build our relationship.Today I treated my art seriously. I went to work in the morning. I went to work and I worked! Started a large map. Decided on the map, decided on kestrels, composed them, drew them, started to paint.Today I took a lunch break, away from the computer, away form the studio, away from work. Took a lunch break and played with Morgan, did a little gardening, walked around my garden read a little, and then went back to work.(Morgan gave me the death stare when I picked her up.)
Today I stopped work and went to my yoga class.
I got there a early, took 20 minutes of meditation and then got into the class. I connected with my body, flowed thru every pose in the most graceful way I could, thought about every muscle, breathed into every tightness, released, let go.
Today I finished a nourishing soup from a bone broth base and served it for supper. After my winter (with that nonsense we will not talk about), I was instructed to make bone broths to rebuild collagen and muscle tissue. For me, this generally involves boiling the left over roast Sunday diner organic chicken carcass with some organic beef bones for 24-36 hours in a slow cooker, then I strain out the bones and use the broth for soups. To this I added tons of organic vegetables: kale, carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes, onions, celery...basically what ever I have on hand, plus a good cup of mixed beans and lentils and herbs from the garden.Knowing that everything I eat is healthy and working to make me strong and to prevent any future nonsense is so important to me. Even though some days it's just too easy to pop that frozen pizza into the oven and be done with dinner, taking that extra effort, and actually making a pizza from scratch, better yet, making that pizza with a cauliflower crust, is such a good way for me to say, "I love you body, and I'll take good care of you."Thank goodness I brought my children up with really good nutritious foods, so C loves the kale rich bone broth soups.
Today is a shining example of what I strive for every day.Will tomorrow look like today? I doubt it. A 12:45pm dentist appointment x town will seriously cut into my day and will make me feel like a poor baby, so I can pretty well guarantee I'll be more stressed with Robbie, want to stop at Sbux for a green tea lemonade, and try to skip out of yoga class...although I'll probably go.But for today I feel I should celebrate. Pat myself on my back and say well done.
I met C when she came home from a day out rollerblading with Bryson and having tea with her friend Kat, and the first thing she said was, "nice Pippi Longstocking braids mom!" And I say, "What? Braids are over at 13? I don't think so!"So go out there and strive to live your best life, day after day. Try to do your best and forgive yourself when you don't. I will, and you can join me. We can rock it together.And for all those about to rock, I salute you. :D