Friday night market at the shipyards
Well, today was one of those fast paced days and I was literally running from appointment to appointment, with the last being a hot yoga class, (which actually was supposed to be my flow yoga, but the studio didn't cool very well after the last class...whew!)
Finally ended up at home sometime round sixish and looked at Clover and said, "let's go out for a little supper."C said she'd love to and we headed down to the docks and the Friday night market.We were so hungry that we actually never even looked at any of the twenty or so caterers and just bee lined it for the first one we saw.
I'm so glad we did, because these fun people made us the absolutely best pulled pork sandwich (for me) and burrito (for C).
We had a walk around and found this caterer who had two mobile pizza ovens for lovely stone baked pizzas,
and we found C's favourite vegan girls selling organic vegan burritos. We seem to come across these gals all over the place, and we do love their food. :D
We explored the market stalls and found some lovely goods, from bespoke wines, fresh flowers, and funky samurai pants, to vintage goodies, and beautiful jewellery.Annina from Wanderlust and Faeriedust was selling some lovely natural materials knotted into chunky necklaces.
Bonnie from Bits & Keys was selling her fun upcyled and handmade wearables.
But Chloe fell in love with this beautiful hand forged silver necklace by Franny.
We took a long walk around the market and then walked out onto one of the piers... see the Esperanza. Boating fairings were done skillfully.
Then back to the market and a little more music.
And then we bought an armload of peonies, and went home.
My kind of Friday night. :D