Drawing challenge: The Key
I took a little time to think about this one.I discussed it with Robbie, who's imagination is wilder and more wonderful than anyone I know, and he suggested a colour wheel. Then we somehow got to a bunch of colourful budgies around a bird feeder, like a colour wheel! Isn't it amazing when you have someone who understands you to talk to? :DAnd the end result...finally, way late into the night last night...is this:May I explain?To me, this fully represents the key to my art.- An old map of Hawaii, not particularly valuable at all, unwanted, recycled to the thrift shop.- The colour wheel and colour theory, each bird borrowing a bit of colour from the one beside it.- Conservation, saving an old document, an old piece of paper.- Awareness, choosing to paint an endangered plant, the Hawaiian Acacia Koaia.- Birds! I know I paint almost anything and everything, (well, I'm pretty naff at portraits, so try not to paint those...lol), but I just love the birds.- A community. A community of artists, all of you who I'm so grateful to know and love, a community of friends and acquaintances, either here, or in my personal life. Everyone who I have the privilege to interact with. You all support me, criticise me, help me grow and learn. Thank you, I treasure you all.- And finally, it's a large map which requires talent, materials and the space and time to create something.
Come fly away with this flock and join us if you can.Becca, Roberto, Carole, Tammie, Tania, Sus, Eric, Sharmon, Patrice, Marian, Joke, Ariane, Nadine, Katrin and Stefanie.We love anything artistic, (writing, painting, sketching, sculpture, collage, photos...decorated cookies...anything at all you can think of.) :D