Getting ready for Art in the Garden
Recently I was told the happy news. My garden has been accepted again this year as a show garden for the Art in the Garden tour. (Still waiting to hear about my portfolio, but am hopeful)So today being a lovely sunny day, and with C's help, I decided to blow out the winter cobwebs and hit the garden.First a brief run thru and we took stock. C wrote a list of things to do and it turned out to be rather a long list!
A simple thing on the list were our tattered prayer flags on the saved apple tree. Since I freed the ancient apple tree from the confines of the child's fort and planted a flower garden around it, it has rewarded us with a renewed health and tons of apples. We figured that maybe it didn't need the prayer flags any more.We took them down...
...and hung up seven glass globes.
Morgan supervised from the cold frame.
I think the glass globes look fantastic, and some have glow-in-the-dark dots on them. That might look really lovely in the evenings.
Morgan practised her best skulking from behind the irises.
Then a little weeding.
Which Morgan approved of.
Then some pruning.
While Morgan claimed the box I brought the globes out in.
And then, C and I spent a couple of hours fixing and supporting the old fences.And finally, we stopped for a well earned cup of tea.
A few items crossed off the list and beautiful show garden here we come. :D