Friday creative energy
It's been a topsy-turvy sort of day round here. Robert has had to return to England and I have obligations here for a few more weeks, and so, missing him very, VERY, VERY HUGE AMOUNTS, I always flip into loads of work and projects to make the time flow by as smoothly as possible.I spoke to R this evening and told him we've had hail, rain, sun, sleet...all the above.He said that somehow we'd figure it was his fault for leaving. YEAH...that's it! :DToday I took my lonesome self into the silversmith studio.I have it in mind to maybe make 10 pieces of jewellery before the art in the garden show.So armed with countless cups of tea, garden tulips and and some imagination, I got to work.
I made this little beach glass and carnelian ring. What do you think?I'm worried that it's still all amateur hour here.
I did have a terrific amount of frustration making this ring though; including two melted bezel cups and an incomplete soldering of bezel to ring, which came apart as I was trying to polish it and I had to start all over again...for the third time. I started to despair that I'll ever be a decent silversmith.(sigh)
But I did have a success! I did make this feather which I rather like.I have to figure out a better way to score silver though. (so much I don't know yet). I think I might make this into a little necklace. I fancy hanging a few feathers like this from a little silver branch. That might be nice.I'm so glad you're all sticking with me in this discovery of the silversmithing process.
I've been moving the garden parrot tulips around with me and finally they ended up in the last of the evening sunshine and looked so lovely I took these photos.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll concentrate on painting for the art show and give my poor inept silversmithing muse a break.