From Saturday did that happen?
Holy smokes it's been one of those weeks where I have so many plans and feeling on top of it all,and suddenly the week just flies by!
It's been a week of work like crazy plus a slight problem with my vision which has kept me away form serious camera work. I've been having trouble focusing my left eye, and it seems that, when I do focus it, the right eye goes blurry. Don't worry, it's temporary and getting better and my optometrist is on top of it.But for now I've not been out to take any brilliant shots and so have to tell you this story instead and bore you with my iPhone shots.Morgan...that scrubby little cat...decided to not use her litter box and use the downstairs terracotta tiles instead.Bad cat!This is her knowing that I know and she knows I'm angry with her. She's giving me the "do you feel you?" look. I'm actually the only one in the family who can discipline her without losing an eye. (and I'm desperately trying not to laugh at her serious little mushy face)This phase only last until she blinks.
Then she slinks away and gives me the wide eyed, "wasn't me, honest, I'm innocent!" look.
When she keeps getting the "I know you did it stare", she looks around for a way out and...
tries it on with the, "it was Milo! He's the bad cat!" look.
And after a while I forgive her and she flakes out in the sunshine.
Also, there was very little art this week. I did manage to sketch this little dragonfly. Dreaming of summer I suppose. I liked this little music paper of Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet. I loved the pattern of the notes it reminded me of a dragonfly with the calm quiet, one little twitch and then off in a frenetic flight.