Gala, Katrin's drawing challenge
Oh what fun! Just in time to get ready for the have to show you what I did as a little girl. Well, I got my first barbie at age 9. I remember we had just left everything behind us in the Czech Republic, and, as political refugees, immigrated to Austria where my aunt Vera was living at the time. My aunt Vera gave me a barbie doll when we got there. I thought she was the most beautiful doll in the world.So what does every little girl do with a barbie doll? Take her clothes off and dress her in something else of course.Problem was: money was extremely tight,barbie was not going to have a wardrobe.Solution was: grandmother's scarves!I used to wrap the barbie in my grandmother's, aunt's, mom's silk scarves, fasten the gown with a straight pin, and my barbie would saunter off into my barbie stories, happily ever after.Here is one of Binky, Bunny, and Ziggy's barbies in a vintage Hermes scarf. (Nothing is too good for barbie)The absolute truth is, we love us a good dress up! Oh yes we do! Years ago, my father gave me his old Dr's bag, and it houses my collection of sparkly shinies, so we're always ready.
But wait, this is a drawing challenge.So I decided to do something I've always done for myself, for my daughters when they were little, and now will do for my granddaughters. Make beautiful paper dolls for them to dress up.My girls really only got straight dolls, but Binky, Bunny and Ziggy are going to get fully movable and posable dolls like this one. Then they can learn to trace around the body and make beautiful gowns for wonderful gala evening.
So just look! This snow white princess is joining flapper girl and mermaid, and Nick Bantock's Man Descending thinks he's died and gone to heaven. :D
But, what I wish I could do, what I really wanted to show you, is this dress I'm wearing. It's about a million years old and hand sewn by one ...I can't remember...women family members (mom, two aunts or grandma). And worn by my mother to a gala evening. Do you see the design? My aunt Vera painted it!Oh yes she did. Isn't it the most fabulous thing in the world? She painted it with her oils, just like she painted a little childhood dress of mine (that one with sunflowers and a little caterpillar). My aunt Vera was the most amazing artist. I think I told you before...and I don't care, I'll tell you again...I used to bug her and bug her to be allowed to paint with her oils. I still remember the day she stopped painting and gave me her oils and her brushes. I'm still using them. She was my true inspiration and reason why I paint.
Well there we go. Are we all ready for our next gala evening? For us round here it'll be the Oscars. Maybe we'll dress up.Speaking of dressing up, pop round to Katrin's and see all the rest of the glamour and glitz! :D