Hello from Sunday night

001 copy copy005 copy008 copy copymorgan004 copy copyIMG_2424 copy copy015 copy copyIMG_2446 copy copyHi everyone,Happy Superbowl Sunday. Did you watch the game? Did you have a party?We did round here. That is to say, we had the party, but we didn't really watch the game. Football, as it turns out, is not really our thing. We watched the newest episode of Top Gear, and the movies A Girl Most Likely and Long Way Down. I read the book Long Way Down a couple summers ago and really loved it. The movie was fantastic. Actually, both the movies were fantastic, and Top Gear is always hilarious.I did buy some cupcakes with the Seattle Sea Hawks logo though; actually for no other reason except that we like Seattle. :DIt's been a most uneventful Sunday round here and that was really good because our Friday and Saturday were a bit of a nightmare. Morgan has become such a sickly cat lately, and has developed some kidney/bladder condition which necessitated an overnight vet stay. Well, over the night she managed to rip out one of her claws and in the morning no one could get close to her. So I came in and calmed her down, and just as she was calm enough for a urine sample, she freaked out and got me with her remaining claws. Two deep gashes, one on each of my wrists. My poor little cat. She got a couple injections, some more medicine, and I took her home Saturday morning and closed her in my bedroom, where she was nice and calm all day and over night. She's much better today.Enough drama round here!But nothing that a little retail therapy can't fix. :Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbdMCYzD8sE&feature=youtu.beSharing with Judith and the mosaic bunch. :D


Gala, Katrin's drawing challenge


The Unexpected, Joke's drawing challenge