Got out of town. Well, this really wasn't what I had in mind.

Well, hello Calgary...hello Cowtown, Stampede City, Heart of the New West. People tell me you're calm, you're boring. I don't believe it. Got my cowboy boots and I'm ready to explore. Might just buy a cowboy hat while I'm at it.001 copyBut what's this? Woke up to a complete lock down of the downtown core. No power, no water, possible evacuation. Emergency coffee, (courtesy of the fabulous Sbux), emergency complimentary buffet for as long as the food lasts, everyone being supper friendly and nice but looking very, very nervous.Whoa cowboy, let's go check it out.032 copyJust out of the Hyatt Regency and things look calm if a little wet. Streets are deserted, storm drains look fine to me.Calgary streetsTwo blocks towards the Bow River is a different story. Suddenly there is river where there should be street. But look at this urban cowboy, he knows how to have fun!city streetsWalking to the nearest not yet closed bridge and...oh my goodness...Clockwise from top left: Looking downstream, looking upstream, looking under the bridge, logs and a park bench go floating by.bow riverDowntown Calgary is a ghost town.065 copyUnfortunately it has been decided that an evacuation must happen. So off I must go to higher ground. The news is full of horrible happenings. Of people being airlifted, houses being swept away and property being lost, while the storm rages against the Rockies bringing more water and more flooding down the rivers.So far only one poor soul has been lost. I think it's the wonderful grit and powerful spirit of these friendly Albertans, who have gathered together as if of one mind, which has helped save so many lived during this state of emergency.Calgary, I'm impressed and I will never let anyone tell me you're boring girl.IMG_2511 copyQuick edit: It is 4pm and I can see on the news that all the streets in the downtown core in all these photos are now under water. Some as deep at three feet. Wow Calgary, Godspeed.


Got even further out of town! Gone to the Royal Tyrell Museum for the day.


Three days of the new floor progress