Got to find a new way to say randomness!
The weatherman was right! From blue sky to rain and overnight there's maximum drippiness outside. But lovely and warm inside. :)I got in on my friend V's tea exchange again this year and was paired with a lovely girl from Japan. Coco sent me some blueberry cassis tea wrapped in her handmade tote. I love the little embroidered coco beans. And that spectacular envelope is going to be the base for a new painting I think. So lovely to have good mail come to break up the monotony of hate mail (bills). We should all send tea and ephemera to each other as often as possible! The world would be a happier place. :)
I'm about to have the furnace replaced in this old house and that means I'm going to lose this funky old thermostat for an ultra modern programmable whatsit because the mercury gizmo in this won't work with the remote gizmo in that...blah, blah, blah. I'm so keeping this old retro thing and sticking it up somewhere else in the house.
Becca, a wonderful photographer/writer friend of mine and a co-Wordsmither, has threatened everyone with Disney princesses lol unless everyone steps up and helps design a new logo for the site. So I took some photographs and put them out there to be used anyway anyone would like. Becca's been altering them so beautifully! I can't believe how lovely those images look now. When the design is decided I'll show you. :)
I want to redecorate the whole house to make it look like autumn.
Linking with Nancy for Friday five. :) And reminding everyone of my giveaway.