Bracing myself for a solid week of rain
Yeah, I know, I'll believe it when I see it! I've never known the forecast to be accurate in Vancouver. It's predicted for seven days in advance and then amended the next But either way, I can see the front coming in from the ocean and this means that, even if there will not be a solid week of rain, the next couple of days will probably be pretty drippy. So the west coast is about to turn into the wet coast again, and Monday is garbage and green recycling day in my hood.And that lawn isn't going to get mowed by itself.And the garden isn't going to weed itself either.I love having this little pebbly area at the back of the garden under the ancient apple tree. It's the perfect secluded place for a cup of tea and it's not too much trouble to weed it out because a good raking uproots the little weed plants almost on the first pass. Into the green recycling with you little weed plants!
There's a big, beautiful rosemary at the back of the garden...
And there's more rosemary in the little herb bed. This bed is a raised bed against my garage and full south exposure and completely overheated to the max. Most herbs do really well here but I have to be careful about other plants which would just fry. I want to plant a fig tree here because I think this would be the perfect spot for one.Morgan loves the stairs to the garage for maximum sunbathing.
Some of the summer plants are still going strong. I love plants like this sweet alyssum that cost under $1 and produce sweet smelling clumps right thru to the end of the summer. Plants like that are such good value.
The autumnal plants are in their glory right now. I'm very excited about the little red dahlia, (top right) Bishop of Llandaff. I bought a very small tuber this year and, would you believe it, this is the first flower it's had. That's late! But I'm glad I got to see it bloom and, hopefully, next year it'll be a much bigger clump of tubers and bloom its little heart out for me. :)
The maples in the shade garden haven't started turning yet. I'm looking forward to the turning of the leaves but not so much to the sweeping of the leaves off the patio!
Well, I'm glad I got all that gardening done today and especially glad I mowed the lawn. You know, I don't like mowing the lawn very much and my lawnmower is acting up a little. But it's a good John Deere gas mower and I think that maybe all the engine needs is a little tune up for next spring. And, Robert told me that fresh gas usually helps so I'll get some for next time.But now I think I'll sit in the evening sun and have a cup of tea. :)I'd love to hear about your gardens, indoor or out. :) And don't forget to enter my giveaway if you would like.
Linking with Sandra at Clearwater Farm and Kim at Little by Little