Hello from Sunday night
Today's been one of those lovely Sundays where there was no hurry and nothing urgent to do.The sun came out in the morning but by noon the clouds rolled in again.Yesterday we had an entertaining time watching Morgan and Milo trying to get in on C's friendship bracelet threads.Those cats get so obsessed over threads and bits of string. :D
But today I had sleeping cats and time on my hands. I started a few new pieces of art on old paper and finished this one.A little marsh tit on a dictionary page with the word harbinger on it. I like that thought, a harbinger of spring; although I'm not sure this little bird qualifies, I still love waking up to bird song. The bird song in Vancouver pales in comparison to Northmoor, but still there are chickadees and mourning doves and all sorts of twittering things. And, especially flickers drumming out their territory on the neighbour's metal chimneys at 5am. They always make me laugh. :D
Sharing with Mary at the Little Red House and Create with Joy and Sunlit Sunday and Amaze Me Monday