Post Valentine's loveliness plus a new page
Today's rain and cold is making us want to stay at home.Hibernate. Have a bit more winter.But we were out of fruit and so decided on a morning trip to Whole Foods.Every time I'm there I think of how much I love to live with whole, natural, organic goods.Do you like beeswax candles and fresh, handmade soaps? I do.Some of my friends make their own candles and soap. I've made candles before but not soap. I'd like to try to one day.
It's lovely at home today. It's warm and fragrant with flowers.Yesterday I made another page in my personal journal and it was late when I finished constructing it. This afternoon I sliced up a blood orange, lit some candles and had a good look at the page.
I love these little candles. They are peony scented, made by a small Cornish company called St. Eval Candle Company. Robert gave them to me for Christmas. They are just so delicious.
I've decided that I really love this page.The words I found there say: "The problem was not sufficient to keep the drive down."To me, this represents my drive to constantly create things, to get over my problems and limitation, you know, not let anything hold me down. The words reminded me of weeds...misunderstood flowers really, plants that belong.Weeds which are so powerful that they push thru cement and grow and flower in any condition, with any limitations. I love weeds and draw, paint, carve and sculpt them a great deal. I used some vibrant tissue rectangles, which came form a wonderful New Year's Eve years ago, and collaged the other words away, then painted with my acrylics and inks. I've run out of mat medium and so used gloss medium and really love the glossy look. Proves once again that there are no mistakes, just happy accidents. :D
Now I've made myself a cup of tea and am reading the next page. So far the words "experimental genius" have captured my attention. (By the way, this next page is the last page with writing. Not sure how I'll construct the photo pages.)
Experimental genius reminds me of R! This Valentine's we are in different countries and he sent me a little video called "look what I found". It shows all the flood water running across the field paths and I was completely ready to see some squeaky little thing paddling its head off, and, instead, there was an "I" and a heart and a "U" made from bright pebbles under that cold, running water. And his hand was red from the frozen water!R is such a keeper! :DHope your weekend is lovely and tranquil and you're all basking in the Valentine's love, which hopefully sticks around in your heart all year.