Hello from Sunday night
Hello from Sunday night everybody.And a wet and stormy West Coast, as three powerful storms passed over us in the last three days.The indomitable spirit of Vancouverites though, the Sunday farmer's market was on and many growers and makers came out despite the rain
I popped in to the market to buy a few veggies...
...but primarily to catch up with this gorgeous girl, my friend Deborah.
We chatted for a little and promised to get together soon. Meanwhile the rain set in again.
Back home everyone is a little lazy and not really very excited about going out in this weather,
But can you really blame us when there's hot tea, lovely books and comfy sofas right here?
I took a few photos, including this one, of a brief clearing in the angry sky between storms #2 and #3 from my studio window,
and I painted that sky in acrylics, in one of the pages in my handmade journal.
I glued a long piece of rough, handmade, green construction paper into the book and then folded it over. Unfolded, it made a lovely, long canvas for the sky.I had trouble with this painting for several reasons, One is that the paper was super absorbent and just sucked all the moisture out of the paint and I couldn't blend easily, even with medium. Another reason was that I have a very limited amount of colours and couldn't blend the peach tones no matter how I tried. I'm just not that good with acrylics. But I thought it was a worthwhile practice and overall I'm pretty happy with it.
One last little thing. I've started a Facebook Wellness group here: WellnessI'm not sure how it will progress, but it's my hope that we might share health and wellness tips.