Wellness, the good and bad of smoothies
Hi everyone, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about getting enough fruit in our diet and the crazy popularity explosion of the smoothie.Everyone knows the benefits of fruit and everyone knows we should probably be adding way more fruit into our diet than we are eating, and there is an easy way to do this: smoothies.However, not all smoothies are good for you. There is such a thing as very bad for you smoothies. According to my nutritionist at the wellness centre, there are smoothies loaded with sugar, either with the addition of sugar, sweetened frozen fruit, sweetened juices or yogourt, or those commercial smoothies you buy which come in a huge cup and cost a fortune, (probably just to justify the huge cup).The trick with healthy smoothies is to blend them yourself, keep the sugar out, and only make it out of as much fruit as you would normally eat in one sitting.Think for a minute. Would you really eat two bananas, a whole apple, an orange, three handfuls of berries and a cup of protein powder in one go? Well, maybe if you're training for a marathon...but if not, keep it to a reasonable serving.I usually buy or grow organic fruit in season, and freeze it for future use, like these cranberries I got at the cranberry festival in Fort Langley a couple weekends ago.
I also got myself a small blender. This one is called the Magic Bullet and was on sale at the local Canadian Tire, (really, three commercial smoothies and you will have paid for this!), but there are plenty of other small budget blender options out there. The reason I got it is because it's easier than a regular blender, which is a pain to dismantle, wash and put away, but primarily because a small blender like this will help to keep your portion of fruit to a reasonable amount.Now go grab some favourites. I try to imagine the fruit on a plate. I think I would happily eat a banana, a slice or two of apple, three strawberries, 10 to 20 blueberries, and maybe 5 or 6 cranberries in one go.And then have a little think. What can you sneak into that smoothie which is healthy for you and you won't even notice? Is it a kale leaf (anti cancer phytochemicals and vit C) from the garden? Is it small scoop of flax seeds (Omega 3, antioxidant lignans)? Sneak it in. I also love a leaf or two of peppermint. Maybe you can sneak in something you hate the taste of. For example, I hate the taste of ginger, but ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and I can't really taste that strong, gingery taste in the smoothie. Be present in your own body and decide what you need.
Stick your selection into your blender. Now add a little water...maybe 1/4 cup. You don't need sugary yogourt, you don't need fancy vitamin infused, ion generated, reverse polar, stream gathered at first moonlight water! Just clean water.
And blend it up.
I really love to pour the smoothie into my favourite Sbux to-go mug.
Then I take it with me sipping it for a nice, long while, savouring the fruity goodness.
Try it guys. Do you have a favourite smoothie recipe? Share with me or in the FB wellness group. :D