Hello from Sunday night (I didn't think I had THIS much to share)
I've seen a fair few 4am mornings these days courtesy of Milo who has an alarm clock in his little cat brain. It's fine by me. I love the mornings and relish the still, quiet time. Reflective time. Chloe, on the other hand, is turning into quite the night owl. She's having a hard time falling asleep and then sleeps till 10-ish...unless she has a morning class. What's that all about? I wonder what evolutionary reason there might be for being a morning or a night person? Did the morning people run out and hunt and gather food for the night people who stayed awake watching and guarding against predators? Maybe...I'll go reread my Bill Brysons and see if I can find out. :)I've ordered a couple of books from Amazon and they came in a box. Naturally Morgan thought the box and papers were for her.Lately I've started a new art project for the helluvit. I did some mixed media on card stock. At first I chose four pieces of card and started tearing and gluing papers together but then the four were done too fast and so I did six more. And also had to find a congratulations card for a friend's daughter who has graduated law. Do you know how hard it is to find a nice congratulations card at Christmas time? I'm telling you...very!Saturday evening C and I had tixs to the opera. Now I love opera, but C...not so much, but she loves listening to the pure voices. So I washed the paint and glue off my hands and we dressed and put our lipstick on and off we went to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
There was a police situation in Vancouver and the worst case scenario happened and both the bridges, the only way for me to get downtown, were closed almost all afternoon. That meant monster traffic...in the rain. So I left early to make sure we got there in plenty of time. It turns out that by 6pm the traffic wasn't so terrible and we made it with plenty of time to relax, grab a drink and have some fun people watching. The lobby of the theatre began to fill with all sorts of interesting people.
The opera was a modern opera called Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten. Fun production, brilliant acting, beautiful voices...not a single melody in sight...(sigh). We enjoyed it but also didn't enjoy it...you know what I mean? I promised C a good Puccini or Wagner next.
Sunday morning dawned much brighter. Morgan wasn't having any of it though.
C came and cuddled up in my bed and we talked philosophy. No...seriously...we talked out the ethics and morals of Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanours. Does anyone like that movie? Imaginative, wasn't it? C had to write a 400 word forum post saying whether she agreed with or disagreed with Rabbi Ben's Divine Command Theory outlook on morals. But since she's never been raised with any kind of dogma, and doesn't even know the first thing about God, Christ...etc...it was a bit of a brain twister for her...but she got it done.
Sunday bad-for-you lunch: home made french fries. I know...but it's only once in a while.
Then I got back to work on my ten cards.
I had so much fun over these past three days making these cards that now I want to make more. I painted little surprises into each one, like birds or a cat, or villages and flowers. And I stamped each one with a special little VR stamp instead of signing them. Now I don't know what to do with them, although my friend Dawn does a brilliant card exchange which might be fun to take part in.Morgan still wasn't having any of it. :)
Now that I've carried on for a mile and a half and if you've stuck with me then you're my brave loves... :) It's Sunday evening now and I'm sitting in the living room beside a fire and thinking that, with all the turmoils and ups and downs and heartaches, this life isn't so bad after all. Hope your weekend was lovely too. I'm about to go stalk all of you who I usually stalk and then some more of you and then anyone I can think of and, If I haven't found you, if you leave me a comment, I'll come see you too. :)Linking with Mary for Mosaic Monday.