Morning, afternoon and evening round here
It's amazing how much I can get done if I'm just around to get those things done! Today work was put aside because of the weather.Well, I say weather, but actually, the coming weather is the worry. It's supposed to be lovely and sunny but the temperature is supposed to drop below freezing. I Vancouver? It won't last of course, but there were these 40 tulips and at least 20 daffodils left over form the massive early October planting, (I'm a sucker for saving the Wal-Mart plants...can't help myself), and they were whispering, "plant us, plant us" each time I walked past them.So C and I had a little Sbux morning treat and got to work.Do you see that snout beside C? It belongs to a young malamute of such beautiful proportions that he was impossible to photograph. (actually he was too jumpy and young) But such a beauty. And, his owner, on hearing that we have only ever had malamutes, told C to go check out the Alaska Malamute Rescue Society web site. Oh god...she already stalks the SPCA web site! Thanks a lot lady! I said that we really weren't in a position to have a dog, that we travel too much and it'll take a couple more years for life to settle down. And Chloe volunteered that we have the two cats...and she said, "it's ok, we have two kittens too, they all get along just fine." (groan)So guess what C did over lunch...thank goodness there weren't any young puppy-type malamutes on that web site!But the garden (and those bulbs) kept calling, and C didn't feel like studying on this lovely afternoon, so we went outside and raked up leaves, dug in bulbs, dug up weeds and snipped the grape vines.
Last year I made that fantastic wreath from some willow branches from the willow in our village in England, and I was looking at the long and lovely grape vines and thinking, "hmm, how hard can it be?" and before you knew it, C and I wove five wreaths.
Since the willow wreath is in my bedroom, C decided to make a wreath for her bedroom too, and the others we hung on the little "Wrong Place" Katsura, (thanks previous owners)
We came in about 5pm and I put a chicken to roast into the oven and build a fire in the fireplace.
Oh, one more bit of good news...well, relatively speaking...the Louds (not their real name) next door have moved away!!! I went out to the back lane to bring the trash bins in and they were just packing the rest of the garage up and said they gave possession to the new owners today. So I said good bye and good luck and, (hopefully they don't read this blog) did a happy little jig back in the privacy of my garden...behind the closed gate. They were ok as neighbours, but ever so loud! Radio always on in the garage and tuned to horrible soft rock, Mrs Loud yelling ad Mr Loud over the lawn mower until he heard...that sort of thing. But now the new owners are a construction crew. (sigh) can't win 'em all. But eventually there will be a sparkly new duplex selling at one million plus per side and we'll have new neighbours.Leaving you with this last evening image: I finally figure out what to do with the little lamp shade I bought at a posh decorating store in England a few years ago but never found the right lamp for. :)