Hello from Sunday night and a last for the 1st of October
Hello from Sunday night everyone.Where has our September gone?I just blinked and it's October.The weather's been really lovely, so we decided on one last dip in the ocean.Inspired by a lady swimming about, I was the brave one and walked in...
Slowly!One inch at a time!The stomach is always the worst.
Then Robert got in.
He went for the "just dive in" approach!
Next Chloe dipped her toes in.
Ata girl!
Then, the inevitable happened!
What a glorious last day for a swim.
After we dried off a little, Chloe and I went beachcombing.
Chloe was trying to find the perfect piece of driftwood for her airstream, but every piece she loved was attached to 20ft of log.
We stayed on the beach for an hour or so in the very warmth of the day.Now autumn has well and truly rolled in. Time for golden leaves, chrysanthemums and pumpkin spice, but this afternoon was the best way to wrap up our summer. :D
Hope you've all had a lovely summer and are now getting ready for fall.