Hello from Sunday night which turned into a Looong Sunday night, which turned into a Monday morning post again
It's been a beautiful family weekend round here with my daughter Kerstin and her three little girls, and on Saturday we picked up my mother and all of us drove out to visit my son Jonathan and his little family.Most times when it rains in the Lower Mainland, it rains right here where I live underneath the mountains, but a few miles away in White Rock, where Jonathan lives, most times the day is much sunnier.
This was the case on Saturday, and so all seven of us got into Kerstie's big Suburban people carrier and went for a visit.
I brought an easy lunch of cold cuts, pate, a salad Nicoise, dressing on the side, and some fresh buns.
The cousins, who haven't seen each other since Christmas, played along beautifully. It was wonderful to see that Asher is almost walking and that he's clapping along and waving bye bye.
But Isla's incredible hair proved too tempting and we had to keep an eye out for that.
Little Butters just hid under Chantal's chair or the coffee table for safety.
Everyone had fun playing and catching up, and soon it was time to go back home.
This bear on the left is Jonathan's baby teddy bear. I can't even remember the amount of times that bear has been stitched together and washed. I'm amazed it has any threads left.
Then back home, and as the day was fine, the girls asked to have their afternoon tea outside.
And while the day was fine in Vancouver, Sunday morning a blizzard hit on the coastal mountains just as Kerstie and the girls were heading home, stucking them behind a horrific accident on the highway in subzero weather for two hours before she managed to wiggle the car thru a gap in the barrier and try an alternate route. No sooner did she get on that route then that route was shut both ways as well. Kerstie had no choice than to turn around and head back to Vancouver. They arrived at 10pm having been on the road for over 8 hours!I think they may take an extended holiday with me for the next few days.