A painting day...with dragons
Well, that was an unexpected treat!After last night's gut wrenching return to the city in blizzard conditions, Kerstin decided to stay in town a full day and night and let everyone relax and recover.I got my daughter and our little girls for a couple more days: a time when I could finally stoke their predilection towards diamond painting.Only thing is that today was a scheduled painting day for me, so Kers and I hit the studio for some paint fun.And we painted away happily while two of our girls we being chased around the garden by...
...a Zoe dragon.
But soon the dragon got tired of the game and they all decided to come paint in the studio too.
In the garden, violets are in full bloom.
Violets are Kerstin's favourite flowers and Isla's second name.
Kers and I had so much fun painting. We toned and painted a bunch of backgrounds for some ocean paintings I want to paint.
And these little daffodils are from last year's forced potted things bought in the grocery store for late winter cheer. I love planting my grocery store bulbs in the garden. They always come back.
We painted and then took off the paint and layered and layered the canvases into a deep ocean look.This one's getting close.
Tomorrow Kerstie and the girls have to drive back home, but the roads are all melted so she should be fine. Tomorrow is another scheduled painting day for me and I'm looking forward to some oil action on top of the acrylics. I hope to paint in the feeling of depth and of the sunlight filtering thru kelp, and maybe some silvery, sparkly fish I think.