Hello from Sunday night, and, we have a winner!
Hello, hello post Valentine's! :DI do hope your Valentine's Day was a special and a lovely one.As you probably know, I didn't have Robert here this year, but we spoke for hours and exchanged cards and love greetings from across the great, big pond. Some years are like that, and, while we're determined to spend every Christmas together, Valentine's Day is a bit hit and miss.But I did wear my red shoes!
And went for a lovely walk with my mom on the beach.
I tell you what; the rain let up, but the fog rolled in and stayed over Vancouver. I was looking out toward Vancouver Island thinking of my new friend The Hostess of the Humble Bungalow, and her sunny walk, and thinking, "Typical! And I chose to live under these bloody mountains!"
But then Kerstie sent me Valentine's photos of our precious three, Binky, Bunny and Ziggy, and it didn't really matter if the sun wasn't out, there was a smile on my face a mile wide. Thank you my baby.That was the loveliest surprise.
Valentine's eve was a special time for C and for me. We had a simple supper of great, big artichokes. Nothing so good as that for us.
Then, what a difference the night makes!
From gloomy, leaden sky, to morning sun!I must admit I took a photo and stuck it up on my Instagram with the caption of something like, "What the hell is that bright light!!!"
Things are just so much better with the sun, aren't they? For days now I've been living vicariously thru my friend Daryl in New York and her sunny, blue skies!
But now I have a bit of blue skies of my own!
Oh my gosh it makes such a difference to my seasonal affect disorder brain!
And to the garden...and to the hummingbird who zips around scolding my cats and trying to get sips of this spirea.
And I'm able to take stock of the garden. (that's a lot of garlic)
And pick a posy of tiny, sweet violets for my bedside table.
Even though it's Sunday, I still had a bunch of work to do.
And so did C, but really, who cares on a day like today where the sun is streaming in thru every window.
We all get to luxuriate in the sun for a day or two now, and we'll all take full advantage of that. :D
And now for that random generator thingie:Congratulations Julie, from Forest Poppy.
Congratulations Julie! Everyone, if you have a minute, drop by Julie's. She the most amazing knitter, quilter, all round super girl, mom to four, including the cutest forest baby, (who she's always taking photos of running away down some forest path), living in the highlands of Scotland.Such wonderful people as we are, should really know each other. :DSharing with Judith and the mosaic bunch