Invitation to Vein, a new Drawing Challenge
Hi everybody,I'm having the roof replaced and I need a distraction.Mainly because there are bits of roof flying all over my show garden instead of on the tarps where they're supposed to land.I spoke to R this morning and told him that I might just have a heart attack watching the pieces of roof land on the snowdrops and the roses in the front.
A great big coronary, or as it's known round here: a Sean Connery!So I'm proposing Vein, a new drawing challenge!
And I'm about to go hide myself in my studio...where I just discovered that the ventilation fan has gone leaving an open hole to the sky!...and I'll muck about with some paint.When I think of vein and art together, I inevitably think of Frida Kahlo. Every time. What wonderful art she produced. So I'll try to ignore the great big hole where the fan used to be, and get some paints out, and plug into the vein of gold that is my sketchbook and the Frida Kahlo inspiration page.
Brrr, it's cold up here!
Won't you join me?