Here I am
Ugh, those X Atlantic flights are something, aren't they? Remind me to not fly thru the Canadian night again.But then, I did have an empty seat beside me and a lovely little old lady as a plane companion who smiled and quietly read a book or dozed thru the whole flight. Also, it's something to try to get comfy enough to doze off, isn't it? I must have done though for a few minutes anyway because the real map on the screen said 4 hours to destination and the next thing I knew it said 2 hours to destination. Well, that counts for something. And then, British Airways decided to fly into terminal 5 and Robert was waiting for me at terminal 3 and finally we found each other after 30 frantic minutes of texting! We had to laugh, it was like a comedy of errors. :)But happily I'm home in England now. The biggest hug from Robbie, and we both looked at each other and said "home?" Oh yes. And then home at West Cottage where I got the warmest tail swipe form Theo. He does this thing where he gently swipes your legs and then wraps his tail around you and just stands there. He's the sweetest thing.And someone who loves me very much was so thoughtful that he cut fresh garden roses into the large blue vase and put them on my dressing table.
And this morning, after I slept about 17 hours, I found that I had a little visitor in my bed.
All's well now. All I have to do is get rid of that bubbly, fuzzy-head feeling. It'll take a day or two. :)