Late tea, being left-handed and a little giveaway
Early morning appointment had me clear across town and in mom's neck of the woods and so mom and I took some time and went to Caffé Artigiano for breakfast.I love the way the baristas enhance one's coffee and tea experience with their milky and spicy designs. I mean it's not necessary, my London Fog would have been just as nice with steamed milk, but the little heart of foam sprinkled with cinnamon was just so lovely. Mom's latte was amazing too, and I noticed that the barista who made our drinks was left handed.Did I ever tell you that I have a fascination with left-handed people? I do! It's about the first thing I notice when I meet someone. Robert is left handed and I love that about him. I love watching his hand move as he writes or works.Apparently I was supposed to be left handed. Apparently I favoured my left hand as a baby, but there was some sort of weird stigma associated with left-handedness in Prague and things were taken out of my left hand and placed in my right and I grew up to be right-handed.This afternoon, while I was waiting for the water to boil, I cleaned up the kitchen sink.I guess you can see my right-handedness in my The pretties are on the left side. That's my new Begonia Escargot, (I love that plant), my Buddha, (a prezzy from Kerstie), my father's radio and a photo of C at about age 9 sipping water form an alpine stream in the French alps. And on the right is the dish soap and a ceramic vase which usually holds brushes which either need to be washed or are drying. I couldn't imagine switching these around. Things wouldn't function at all.
Usually I love to have pots of ivy in those green vases, but each time I go away for months at a time, the ivy has a fit and dies. The other day I decided to replace it and so went to Wal-Mart to "save" a couple plants. I don't know about you but I think Wal-Mart has absolutely no business selling plants! (Oh, soapbox moment, sorry)Anyway, the ivy was deader than mine but they did bring in some poor sacrificial African violets and so I decided to break with tradition and save two violets instead.For my tea I chose this little late summer cup by Royal Standard. I love the little storybook scene of hay stacks on the inside of the cup.
And I was going thru some of my watercolours and I thought that I would really like to send some more out into the world instead of having them stacked in a drawer in the writing desk.The first one I chose to send out is this little violet painting. I painted it on this note paper because the gentle swaying of the notes reminded me of that sweet violet scent which you catch just a hint of and then can't help yourself but bury your nose right into the blossoms. You know what I mean?
Of course I can never just send off a painting, so I'm sending it off with a funky moleskin journal, some of my photography cards and some other bits of ephemera to inspire you with.
I'm not sure if I can comment back on this post because of that random generator thingie and I don't want it to select, but I love your comments and get so excited when that little orange bubble is lit up for me! (Wordpress jargon) :)So just leave me a comment and I'll do the random thingie on Monday and announce it next Tuesday. (Having said that, all things being relative and hoping I'll have time for tea next
Linking with Terri and Martha and Sandi and Bernideen and off to visit everyone. :)