Linens and Vancouver snow
Well, what a turn-up for the books!Our rare and lovely light dusting of snow was scheduled for a change.Driving X-town listening to CBC, the words "Vancouver" and "Snowmageddon" were being brandished about on the radio.OMG everyone take cover!
Now the good thing about West Coast snow is that it knows its place...right on the mountains where it belongs and not in the city, so the six or so inches which fell turned into slushy rain, turned into proper rain overnight. I guess the Snowmageddon storm got thoroughly embarrassed after seeing what it had done.
So what do we do when it snows in Van?Well, we stay off the roads and do something at home, like turn the Netflix on in the library and pull out the linens and sort them out.
I do have to tell you something.I grabbed a tensor bandage to brace up my swollen ankle, looked outside about mid-day and thought, "that sidewalk isn't going to shovel itself", and and just as I did, my wonderful neighbour Gary was just finishing shovelling the sidewalk for me.
Then, in the afternoon, my wonderful neighbour Nick came round and shovelled it again!How lucky am I to have such amazing neighbours?
And now it's raining, the linen is all sorted, and I have a sneaking suspicion that that may have been the worst of winter round here. Just like that.Goodbye city snow.You've been lovely while you lasted.