Teaching the therapy journal
Hi everyone,Today was my monthly therapy journal session at the wellness centre.Today I worked with nine wonderful women all dealing with coming back to health after cancer.All of us coming together with art.
You know, over these two years since my actual therapy journal and my whole journey with overcoming a devastating illness, and over this year and half of offering my therapy journal method to the world, I've met some amazing people.
Many of whom say, "Oh, I can't draw" or "I used to draw but haven't picked up a pencil in years" or "I don't know where to begin!", but given an old book and some inspiration, anything's possibly!
And look at the wonderful art.I'm so happy when I hear that the journal has helped someone come back from a nuclear meltdown in the middle of the night, or when the therapy journal has meant that someone has connected with some form of journaling after trying and failing a million times, or that someone who hasn't picked up her art since a devastating diagnosis has finally found her art again...after four years...and is ready to unpack the art supplies.
They say that in our lives the best feeling is to give and to give freely from our hearts. They say there's no other feeling like it.
I must say that I agree wholeheartedly.Giving this method of journaling to the world, to anyone who wants to learn how, taking my art supplies to classes so people can discover how watercolour pencils work, or what mat medium is, or that you can buy brushes with their own water supply in them, or that you don't have to be an artist to make meaningful art, that you can leave a legacy of beautiful work. That is what matters to me.
So once again we came together and made a beautiful mess.
I'm feeling very lucky tonight.Can't wait till next time.This IS how we do it.