Micro T
There's a new little boy in our lives.Yes guys, we got a new kitten. He's with Robert in West Cottage and I haven't met him yet, but Robbie sends me photos and videos of him on practically a daily basis.I already love our new little buddy.
He's only been with us for just over a month, but he's already walked all over The Medusa, fallen in the bath, climbed up the dressing gown hanging on the back of the bedroom door, and learned how to perch on R's shoulder as he walks around.
But mostly he just sleeps that deep and trusting kitten sleep. He's just so darn cute!
We've thought and puzzled and agonized about a name, and the one which fits him best is Theo. Now I know that our darling late cat was called Theo, and I know that naming Micro T the same has, and will bring up emotions, but it seems to be fitting well so far.And once again we're a three cat family.