A reward for cleaning up the studio
Oh my gosh the studio does get out of hand.The reason is that, when I start creating something, I reach for what I need, put it aside and reach for the next thing and so on, until there are brushes and inks and paints and pencils and papers everywhere. Then I just have to take a day and put everything where it belongs.So after the place looked a little more respectable, and after I dragged the vacuum up two flights of stairs and carried it back down again, I decided to have some fun with my stamps.I took some out and lay them on the board I do collage work on.
Then I stamped some on this big block of paper on my art desk. (I really need a new black ink pad!) Then I sketched and scribbled around them and I thought, hmm, wonder if I could layer them into a scene.
You know what I noticed? I carve the stamps with my animals facing to the left!
So I carved some simple stamps of twigs and leaves, and took out a little ink and a roller, and began composing little vignettes.
I had a lot of fun for about an hour or so, or until Miss Morgan decided it was supper time.
But first I took out a piece of black paper and some white ink, stamped myself a final little vignette, and went down to the kitchen to wash out the stamps, roller, and ink tray, and to feed those darn cats. :D