So, not a typical Monday!
Yesterday was such a lovely day.As you know, I had a long walk around the bird sanctuary, and then I dropped in to see my son and his family, drove home and thought, "Perfect, 5pm, I'll just stick the chicken in the oven, cut up a bunch of veggies and put them right in with the chicken, and forget about supper till 6pm, when a beautifully roasted chicken and veggies will be ready."Supper time rolls around and I checked on chicken a few minutes early and guess what!The chicken was barely warm.The oven has stopped working. :(
So out came my ancient orange Le Crueset and a frying pan, and supper, which was delicious, was 30 minutes later.Then I got a phone call from my bank telling me my debit card may have been compromised!Some days are like that.
I know I shouldn't be eating sugar, but I felt a little deflated and so let myself have a piece of apple crumble pie much too late because of the late supper. Which in the end wasn't such a good idea because come 3am I was wide awake!
So today instead of working on art, I ran around organising gas appliance repairmen (coming Thursday), organising a new and temporary bank card, checking thru my transactions to make sure nothing was amiss...and it wasn't.I don't get it. Three purchases at my local grocery store, one at Anthropologie, and one at my usual Sbux.Oh well, who knows. So I made myself a cup of tea and spent an hour this afternoon reading my new books.
I don't usually buy coffee table books, and very rarely new, but this Gwyneth Paltrow book really caught my eye, so I bought Costco...for much less that retail. It's full of glorious photos and looks like some lovely recipes. And I can make avocado toast without a I'm a sucker for lifestyle books which are beautiful to look at. Plus, I like her.The other book I bought is Ellen DeGeneres Home. Oh my word do those two ever have fantastic taste. Each one of their homes is so beautiful I could just move right in and not change a thing. It's lovely to see someone who has a large fine art collection and loves to live with it. Although, personally, I would never have been able to sell that ranch. That would have been a forever home for me.
The third book I bought came to me second hand from the little used book pile at the little store at the Reifel bird sanctuary. They get donated wildlife books which then they sell for a little profit to help with the upkeep.This is the most beautiful book of bird photographs I've ever seen. This book is exquisite.
It's the work of photographer Andrew Zuckerman and is simply called Bird. It's filled with the most beautiful creatures imaginable in all sorts of kooky and crazy poses.
My last book purchase really isn't a book purchase. They are blank journals for my morning pages. (I'm working my way thru the Artist's Way again.) I was at Anthropologie for a couple little gifties for a joint birthday family supper, and they were on sale, and get this, the sale was a further 40% off the last sale price! Any cheaper and Anthro would have been paying me to buy
So there you go. A Monday which began as a pain day has actually ended up nicely. I handled my small disasters, had some lovely, quiet me time, also did some gardening, and went to my flow yoga class.
Well done me. :D (forgive me a little pat on my back) :D