On this last day of 2015
I had this inexplicable desire, on this last day of 2015, to visit the stone henge next door.In our neighbouring village of Stanton Harcourt is an ancient stone henge I've written about before right here.
On this last day of 2015, it seemed very important for me to connect with the ancient, with the old, and with the future me. Kind of a maiden, mother and crone moment.
To get to this ancient site I walked past a disused WWII airfield.
And skirted the edge of a meadow...
...and walked along the shore of a lake.
To where rabbits burrow in the ground digging up secrets from under the henge.
Then up, over, into, and over the circular bank and the ditch to get to the stones.
It always feels like there's powerful magic here.
On my way, I picked up a couple flint pebbles in the shape of hearts, which the rabbits unearthed, and left them in the western most stone.A small heart to say thank you to 2015. Thank you for all the lessons, for giving me time to recover and heal. Thank you 2015 for taking it easy on me and allowing my chosen word, "ameliorate", to wrap me like a comforting hug and not overwhelm, and help me make small, positive changes over the year. Just as I had hoped.And a big heart for 2016. A big heart for hope, for happiness; an open-hearted invitation for 2016 come what may.
And on this last day of 2015, found while walking this last walk of the year, an ancient rabbit skull representing the deep secret and magical past of the henge, Last year's alder cones representing 2015, fresh hazel catkins and a dandelion blossom representing the future 2016, and a sprig of mistletoe representing the now, this Christmas time, this liminal day.
And, on this liminal day, I hope for the brightest and happiest future for all of you my friends. Happy New Year.