Update and a new painting video
Well then,I haven't finished the magpie yet, but in true Veronica form, I've started a new painting, and I have a painting video for you!Last time I went to our market town, I bought some treats for the birds.I love these half coconuts filled with suet and bird seed.Fantastic for our garden birds like our garden robin and the various blue tit which come around, and also the squirrels. They love to hang upside down and snack on the feeder. I think they're funny.
I have to show you something interesting.Last time I walked thru the meadow, I found a corner with a bit of rubble and a piece of metal, which is being used for a song thrush anvil! How exciting. The song thrush picks up snails and flies them over to this spot and cracks them open on the rubble. Do you see all those shells around here? I love it. They pick out a spot and then continue to use it.
So I decided to paint a thrush. I looked around, but I couldn't see the song thrush. I did see a mistle thrush though, so decided to paint one.Do you see my filming contraption? LOL it's my iPhone on the tripod, secured by a little bit of blu-tack and my pony tail elastic, propped up with a paintbrush. Yeah, technology and me...
Anyway, it works! :DAnd, as soon as I get the micro T away from my feathers...
And get him to stop stealing and killing my brushes, I'll get the painting video uploaded. :D
Here it is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKzhPMTCptk