Playing I'm the boss with the cats
My cats!!!They feel like they're the boss around here.This is Milo. He likes to sleep in my bed with me all night and always sleeps cuddled up in the fur blanket. But I like to make my bed in the morning, so we play this budge the cat on the fur blanket game.It works like this: Budge Mo over to one side, make bed on one side,
budge Mo over to the other side, Mo gets mad and jumps off. Finish making the bed.After a few minutes Mo jumps back on.
No cats were harmed during the making of the bed, no matter what THAT LOOK means.
I decided to add some furniture to one of my spare bedrooms and so went to raid mom's basement for a lovely little teak table and an old chair.Morgan decided to OWN them. Morgan likes to own everything.
I said "Zola, down you go!" She ignored me.
Again the face!
Do any of you have cats? Do they listen? Ha!