Plein Air art show, found while walking
The tumbleweeds may have invaded this space lately.That's the thing about me and this blog. It's a sort of no pressure, no worry, post when I feel like it or when I have something to say sort of space.And, while I do miss it, it seems a little unfair to me to have all you lovely friends reading and commenting, and not having the time myself to comment back and pop by yours.So tumbleweeds.There's still a bit of craziness happening round here and we are trying to finish projects here in the Vancouver house before R leaves for England, but there's always time to head down to the river for a walk.And that's exactly what we did on this beautiful, warm Tuesday.We headed down to the little heritage fishing village in Steveston for a lovely bit of lazy sunshine and some fish and chips for lunch.
And just as we got to the little village, we saw this:
And at the docks...
We saw this!
Everywhere late summer was still chirping along.
And loads of artists found their perfect place there.
Some brought their helpers.
And then, in one of the large shipyard buildings...
There was an art show showing the work of more than 50 artists.Such a diverse collection.
We walked around the paintings and admired all the different techniques.
Now, while the paintings were already judged and awarded prizes, there was a chance for the public to vote for a favourite, which will award the artist $300.After a good look, I chose to vote for this one. I loved it. It's a reverse painting on a sheet of glass in an old window. I can't even imagine what the starting point of a reverse glass painting should be.
A plein air art show. How lucky we were to come across this lovely collection in this lovely place.