Nadine's drawing challenge: Skin
There's a Czech saying I know. It doesn't translate very well, but reads that, when one isn't feeling well, one is not in her right skin.That's been me all week. A toothache turned into an abscess, turned into 10 days of Amoxil, two dentists appointments, and one scheduled root canal in early October, in my otherwise perfectly healthy mouth.Apparently it's one of those things. Go figure!With this nonsense happening I didn't get much work done and didn't figure anything out for our drawing challenge hosted by Nadine (thank you so much woolfie girl).So I thought I'd cheer myself up, and instead of showing you some of my art, I thought I'd bring you some inspiration. I looked thru my library and found the books I was looking for.For me, the master of skin portrayed in darkness is Caravaggio. (The crucifixion of St Andrew)Although he didn't leave a "school of" student notes, and although not one sketch, drawing, unfinished piece survives, he most definitely used a grisaille technique and probably only a limited pallet of various earths, vermillion, lead white and Ivory black.But look at the light! Look at the tone, the expression, the beauty!
(The denial of St Peter)As Caravaggio is my master of skin in darkness, Joaquin Sorolla is the master of skin in light.Actually, I think Sorolla is the master of sunshine period.
(Valencian fisherwomen)You know, the more and the deeper I look into a Sorolla painting, the more colours I see. The mix which reads "skin" seems to be a rainbow of complex brush strokes laid down so very simply and boldly on the canvas.And the joy! Oh the joy of sunshine!
(The pink robe)My modern Master of skin is the brilliant photographer Sally Mann.Her photographs are breathtaking.
(Sorry game)Unfortunately, I feel I can only show you the more pc photos on my site here, although I'd love to show you the more beautiful, more
controversial artistic photos. I encourage you to have a look at the books yourself. (Jessie bites)Well there we are. I hope I haven't let everyone down with my lack of productivity. Things are getting back to normal now and I plan to be back at work next week. Looking forward to popping around everyone's thru Nadine's for a good mooch and some more inspiration. :DAnd a quick link to my books:Caravaggio The Final YearsThe Painter Joaquin SorollaImmediate Family Sally Mann