Pollinators, Tammie's drawing challenge
I was really excited when I got Tammie's email saying she's called a drawing challenge. And, how perfect for spring! :D Thank you so much sweetie, I love the DCs.It's been a while since I mucked about with my oils, and, since the tulips are blooming in the garden, I decided to paint one.But the tulips blooming right now are early, single hybrids, and my favourite, and the most fun to paint, are parrot tulips...you know, the ones with the frilly, multicoloured petals which twist and turn in impossible ways. And, since my parrots are still in tight bud, I got out my photos of last year's garden parrots and used those as reference.Painting with oils, at least the way I do it, takes a couple/three/four days per painting, (there's sort of a fine line of drying time that you get to know when you paint with oils for a while), because the oils end up being too wet and slippery after the first layer, and need a day or two to dry a little so a second layer blends in without taking off the first layer or blending everything into mud.So I chose a canvas, and painted a first layer of oils on Tuesday.
And then Wednesday, my painting was still too wet and so I painted a second canvas...oh yes!
Yesterday and today I overpainted a second layer, blended it into both the paintings and refined them to where I like them.
And there we are, two parrot tulips in full open glory, spreading out their stamens and black pollen, inviting all the pollinators in. (They look rather tarty up there with Frida, don't they? Like wild girls in flamenco skirts...the big flirts)
Come fly over to Tammie's for some more lovely pollen action. :D