Randomness to the max
The other day I bought a lovely basket at the thrift for something ridiculous like $1.99. I imagined all the wonderful picnics I could serve from it, all the stuff in my car I could organise in it, how lovely it would look in the laundry room...Morgan had other thoughts. It now lives under the kitchen table and has a slight smattering of catnip in it...lol.With lovely spring flowers appearing in my garden, I'm feeling more like spring cleaning and spring decorating. Fresh green mantle and decluttered, clean house, here we come!
A generous new friend, Mona, sent me a small envelope of indigo seeds from Denmark. She included a tiny bow dyed with the precious blue dye. I've started the seeds and hopefully, come autumn, we'll be trying out the deepest, richest, bluest dye ever seen!!!
Speaking of garden, I'm excited to say that I'm making home-grown garden lettuce salads for lunch already.
And finally, my friend Sara sent me such a beautiful and generous surprise. I can hardly believe it! In a huge box full of packing peanuts were two precious and beautiful tea cups, (which have already been put to proper service), a spectacular glass paper weight, and a guardian angel! The most beautiful, porcelain guardian angel in the gentlest Victorian dress, with white feather wings, pearls and lace. No one has ever given me a guardian angel. I'm so touched Sara. I'm feeling absolutely weepy writing this. Thank you so very much. The angel will be called Sara, and will look after us from now on. Biggest hugs and kisses, and one day in person!
Sharing with Nancy and hanging out with the random bunch over there. :D