Random things I love
I love that I have green eyes and Chloe has blue and Jonathan and Kerstie have brown eyes. I love that I have the whole gamut in the family. Robert's eyes are very unusual because they tend to be very chatoyant and can look blue, green and even hazel/brown depending on his mood. I love that too.I love pebbles. I pick them up everywhere and stick them in my pockets. They usually end up in the garden or in craft projects or just in random arrangements in jars or on plates.
I love fantasizing about living in all sorts of places and houses. I look at a lovely house and then think about how much it would cost to live there. Like this place in London. And then I think about the reality and realise that it's actually 1,2,3,4...15 flats! Yeah. But sometimes I think about selling the Vancouver house and the Oxfordshire house and ending up with enough money to buy a dream like this place in Vermont. (eight times over!) :D And having all that land...and chickens...and rescuing great big Morgans and Clydesdales. (sigh)
I love drawing on old pieces of paper; maps, books, found bits of cardboard... I love the thought that I've taken that worthless bit of paper which someone discarded and I've given it worth with my art. Transformed it into something special, multiplied its value exponentially. And then I'm always so gratified to give it away.
I love my iPhone as a repository of photographs and notes. Spur of the moment ideas, someone's emails or websites I want to check out, images which inspire me...never has there been a better system. I'd never want to be without one again. :)
Linking with Nancy and looking forward to catching up with everyone's random.