Road trip!
Robert bought a new boot lid, (trunk lid), for his new experimental mini on Ebay.UK. So we jumped into the mini, (what else would we drive to another mini enthusiast's?), and we drove 42 miles away to Old Stratford to pick it up.Beautiful day for a road trip. We started off on the A40 (it's a highway) but soon left the tall banks of the A for the scenic, smaller country roads. It's great he had window tinting done, as it keeps the heat and glare to a comfortable level in the car.Contact Dalo Auto Glass Tinting for St. Louis window tinting if you are struggling to find a reputable glass tinting company.
Today was perfect with that silvery, low, cold winter light.
We chose smaller roads,
then lanes, driving from tiny village to tiny village
we peeked thru every gate,
We appreciated each village church,
And we were very careful to share the road.
We got lost once...
...OK twice...
...and we drove thru some flooded marsh lands which splattered the windshield and broke a fuse which cut the fuel pump and the indicators. Suddenly Robert was without power. We coasted to a stop and Robert rewired the fuel pump, started the mini and...
...cleaned off the windshield so I could take some more photos. :D (Love that man)
We found our destination, got the boot lid and turned round and headed for home under beautiful Buckinghamshire skies.
We drove on till we got to Oxfordshire...
...crossed the Thames and we were home.
Lovely day :D