Shopping for prezzies for the Clover
Junk shops + vintage shops + thrift shops = Happy! Because the one thing I absolutely love doing is finding one-of-a-kind, unusual things for my children (and me). And thank goodness for my iPhone. Happy little iPhone; clandestine little photo taker. :D Let me show you a favourite shop in our market town: The Old Pill Factory.I absolutely fell in love with this little mirrored photo frame,(and the enamelled jug), but the frame was a bit pricey at about £28 (if I remember). Might have to go back for it thought because the more I look at it the more I love it to pieces.Old books are absolutely my weakness and look at these beautiful covers!
I loved the gentle girliness of this bench and pillow, and I love that the cover on the bench isn't perfect matchy matchy. That's how my quilts usually turn I feel most gratified.
And look what I found! Now this is the perfect man-cave that I can live with. Aren't those chairs and that sofa just to die for? I can see them being in some ol' boy's club in Oxford, smelling of cigars and scotch. That wine rack would be full of lovely wine bottles and on the wall facing the sofa would be a roaring fire with those plush fire guards, you know, the ones you can perch on. Heaven. Actually, I think I might expropriate this man-cave for myself and call it a girly-grotto.
I took at least an hour exploring the nooks and crannies of this lovely store. It's impossible to see it all in one go. I think I might have to go back next week. :)Hope you're having a relaxing weekend across the ol' globe.