Walked down to the village...it rained...we didn't care
This morning Robert said, "what's that strange light?" It was the sun! So despite the gale blowing outside, we decided to go for a walk down to the village to see our Knight Templar and his Lady in the church.West Cottage is on the outskirts of the village, and almost half way between two villages but we belong to the Northmoor parish and it's lovely to walk down there.We walked under an ominous sky, past the fields of clever sheep who know better than to get blown away. They were looking at us in a "there go some crazy people" way...
...past the houses...
...until we got close to the pub and then it started to rain like the dickens.
So we ducked into the church.
And said hello to Thomas Moore and Isabelle.
We had a little rest...
...and looked out the windows to see the rain stopping, and so we continued with our walk.
Back up at the pub we saw the big rain cloud moving away.
So we decided to take the long way home, in sort of a triangle, from the village, up Marsh Lane, across the fields and home.
We said hello to the Northmoor herd and admired their fluffy winter coats.
A little further up the lane the wind had blown all the crab apples down and they bobbed along in the stream like beautiful little balls.
Some berries were still firmly in place though. Nice for the birdies.
When we got to the public foot path we ran into a bit of a problem! Umm :( We thought about wading thru, we thought about taking our runners off and just going for it...but in the end we decided to take the extra long way home, back the way we came.
But we had a lovely walk. :DLinking with Mary for Mosaic Monday