Teaching the therapy journal day at the Wellness Centre
These days are my favourite.Loads of work, but so very satisfying.I love teaching the therapy journal at Inspire Health, my wellness centre.I bring in old books, my own journals (plus my own therapy journal which I kept during a 2014 cancer journey), and I get to lead a workshop in my art therapy approach with other people in various stages of dealing with the battle. Everything I bring is there for everyone. The art in my own journals, my techniques, my images, all can be copied, photographed, traced, used for reference and remembered. Books for inspiration, bits of ephemera for collage, onion skin paper for copying, inks, felts, charcoals, gel pens, stabilos, mat medium...anything I can think of I bring.
I'm always so surprised and amazed that some say they've never drawn anything more complicated than a stick man!The work that comes from the precious hearts of my students is so spectacular it always leaves me breathless.
This afternoon was just a beautiful time, with all of us sharing and singing and laughing and trying new art techniques.Look at this beautiful self portrait my friend Helen painted in her journal, Look at those amazing words she highlighted all around her.
Here are some more of Helen's pages. I can't believe she never painted before the therapy journal came into her life.
And here is a beautiful page from my friend Shiva's journal.
I love to teach here every month, and each time it's different. Today an accidental double booking for this big room resulted in a 30 minute overlap and a choice: stop 15 minutes early for a Zumba class, or, share the space! That's a choice? LOL.
Can you say Zumba art? So much fun!