These days
Whew!That's all I have to say.It's been a bit of a shock to the system getting back to the city and Pacific time.It's also been a few days of a steamroller of emotions, which are just now staring to calm down, (thanks to daily yoga.)The dreary Vancouver weather has not done much to lift the spirits, alleviate jet lag, or give me some light for photography or art as a distraction to stop moping around missing Robbie so much, so I was beyond giddy to see a little break in the rain and a little sun peeking thru.
Chloe's friend Nicole came for lunch and a girly catch up and brought some pieces of wood and a small electric sander, and the two of them had a blast listening to music and practising their woodburning art.
Chloe made a lovely study of trees, and Nicole made a sweet little fox.
And I stopped by my friend Dalyce's book store and bought a large 1940 book to use as journal for an upcoming journaling workshop.I've signed myself into Jeanne Oliver's journaling from the heart course to try something new and I'm very excited to give it a go.
Something else happened this week, and I think you would probably have to have been living in a cave somewhere on a deserted island not to have heard about a certain person's passing. Hit me straight in the heart and I had to pour that wounded heart into a little art. Nothing grand, just a little painting to say goodbye and also to never have to let go.
Ashes to Ashes Starman. (acrylics and inks on watercolour paper) The Chamaeleon constellation connects thru his eyes, while the constellation Lupus looks up from below.