Special, true moments
I was thinking that the last year of my father's life we drove to his cabin on as many weekends as we could. He loved it there.Up there on East Twin Lake, six hours out of the city, up there with the loons, the morning moose, the northern lights and the millions of stars making up the milky way, up there he was at peace.One time we left Vancouver quite late and got there after dark. I remember driving along the dirt road and the headlights illuminating the bone-white birch trees on either side and I remember seeing a cameo reflection of those birch trees in a puddle in the pitted path. It may have been the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and, combined with the harsh winter settling in, and not knowing if my father would be able to visit again, I captured that image in my memory.This painting was born from that memory. I like it here, in the hallway outside my bedroom. I haven't hung it on the wall because I like the way the lamp light puddles the image. I'm not sure I'll ever hang it up.Do you have a visual memory of a special, extraordinary moment? I don't really know why, but seeds from the garden always remind me of my grandfather.
I suppose that, growing up in Europe where things are treasured and shared more than they are here in the North American built-in obsolescence consumerism culture, I remember my grandfather folding little paper envelopes to store his garden seeds in.
I remember doing that with him while he wrote the botanical names of the plants on the outside of the paper. That's something I'm always compelled to do...to collect and store the seeds form the garden flowers, (and paint puddle paintings...lol) But what does one do with millions of white Japanese anemone seedlings, or a grove of maples?
Mind you, as I was carrying the trumpet vine seed heads thru the house, seven seeds fell to the floor and I scooped them up in my hand. I put them on the mantle. I think they'll stay there for a while.
Snow puddle painting: Oil on canvasFox: Oil on the cut-off end of last year's Christmas tree