Veronica and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Boy oh boy, one of THOSE days. You know, when everything that can go wrong...and little things which annoy one are suddenly freak-out-horrible? Yup, Tuesday Oct. 9, 2012.Made me wish for last Sunday when C and I didn't have a care in the world, stayed in out jammies till late, played with the cats, had one of those lovely restful days.So I got to work. Work, creative work, always makes things better for me, but today it didn't come easily. The painting wasn't coming along and the photography felt forced too. Forced creative work never works out for me. Do you find that to be true too? Like it has to be felt and has to be completely embraced by the creative heart.
So I did some yard work and took the recycling containers in from the back lane. My across-the-back-lane neighbour Louise said hello and we had a lovely little chat and a little tour of my garden, and then back to try for more work.Later, I found the most spectacular bunch of dahlias on my patio table. Louise had picked them as a thank you for my garden tour. (I should add she has the most spectacular dahlias I've seen. It's like a brilliant dahlia jungle in her garden.) And, would you believe, these deep burgundy ones are my absolute favorite!Isn't that so wonderfully caring and lovely? How lucky am I to have such a sweet neighbour?Thank you Louise, that was the one bright spot in my difficult day.
That was the universe saying, "Look V, you might have had a lot of muck thrown at you today, but wipe it off girl, there's sunshine here too."