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Tea cup Tuesday, not sure what to say.

This morning dawned bright and sunny. I made my tea in the kitchen and stayed for a while and watched as the sunshine found its way thru the hedge, reflected off the golden gong and onto my wall of post cards.

Then I went upstairs, to be alone in my studio to gather my thoughts and write my morning pages.

I opened the skylight fully to the cool breeze and the peaceful morning and listened as my neighbours said their hellos in my quiet little neighbourhood.


I sat at my writing desk, full of photographs of my loves and took out my journal and sat staring at a blank page for several minutes.

I guess the thing that’s on my mind the most is the Boston tragedy yesterday and how Chloe texted me the two words, “Boston Marathon”, and for a minute I thought she meant she’d like to run it. Then I turned on my pc and checked out the CBC headlines. So, while not wanting to add fuel to the media feeding frenzy and not wanting you, my dear friends to have doom and gloom form me, I must say that what’s on my mind the most is that there are people, children, who did not live to see the sun shine today and it makes me desperately sad.

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I made my tea almost subconsciously this morning. Put it into this gentle little Aynsley tea pot and grabbed this gentle little Colclough cup. Went outside and gathered a few spring flowers and cut up some strawberries, and then I went to choose a spoon.

And I couldn’t choose one so I brought the whole pile upstairs with me thinking I’ll just make the decision up here.

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And as I sat here at my writing desk staring at the spoons, willing myself to write my morning pages, I realised I was looking at a UN of spoons and I smiled at the thought of how well they all get along in that little silver mint julep cup. How there is no choice as the cup is the only home they have. They sit there and coexist and tarnish together. How I wish all people in the world could live as simply as these little spoons and just coexist and tarnish and grow old together.

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We are not perfect, we are unedited versions making mistakes, needing help, needing love and tolerance and understanding, and a little bit of luck to make a go of it in this world, and the more love and tolerance we can show each other the calmer and richer the world will be for it.

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So I sat here and drank my tea and picked up a drawing pencil instead of my pen. And sketched unconsciously, not thinking about it, and it became a sidewinder, a poisonous coral snake, a king snake winding his way across the desert of my imagination. Not sure what that says about my thoughts today.

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Good luck world with the sidewinder in it. I’m sending you strength and hope and love, and to you my friends I’m sending peaceful gentle thoughts.

Linking up with Terri of Artful Affirmations and letting her lovely tea cups lift my spirits too, and to Martha and praying right along with her, to Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage and reliving the grand glory of the Titanic, and to Bernideen and thinking hmm, her tea cups almost match my little tea pot this week.

Comments: 31

  • April 16, 2013

    Thank you for the gifts you sent out via this post. May they return to you a thousand fold.

  • April 16, 2013

    Veronica, this is just beautiful. Thank you for this post today.

  • April 16, 2013

    Thank you Veronica. It was like having you hold my hand this morning. Boston still feels like home to us. Yesterday was a difficult day.

  • April 16, 2013

    I just read an article that my daughter sent me. Someone started a google list of free accommodation for anyone left stranded by the disaster. It shot to over 1,000 in no time! This is the basic fact – there are more good people than bad people.

  • April 16, 2013

    Thoughtful post….beautiful tea pot and tea cup…..
    Thank you for bringing beauty to today.
    Hugs of love and comfort to you,

  • Jo

    April 16, 2013

    This brought tears to my eyes – thinking especially of the little boy who is the exact age as one of my grandsons – these things hit home, hard, even though we are miles and miles apart. We are a family – and it hurts all of us when one of us hurts. Peace to all – and hope for that peace.

  • April 16, 2013

    Lovely blue blossoms, charming typewriter photo. I read a comment online that stated the number of kind, caring people will always outnumber the bad. I agree, and hope it is always that way. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad you were able to salvage the Iris blooms 🙂

  • April 16, 2013

    la théière et la tasse sont merveilleuses!
    belle journée

  • April 17, 2013

    Veronica, I think we are all having trouble focusing with a snake in our midst–your subconscious was very astute. Your beautiful teacups and UN of teaspoons still made me smile. Thank you <3

  • April 17, 2013

    A very tranquil and sweet post. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.

  • April 17, 2013

    Good morning Veronica,
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts this morning and I liked your analogy of the spoons. Oh, that man could live in peace with one another and the innocent could grow up smelling fresh air and knowing all is well with the world! Alas, our world is a fallen world and we will always have the wicked with us.

    I am thankful today because my SIL, who lives here in PEI, ran in the marathon and was a half km away from the finish line when the bombs went off. Her husband was waiting for her at the finish line but he escaped the blast. My heart goes out to those who didn’t fare so well. God bless them!

    Your teapot is a sweetheart and your teacup; very sweet! Thank you for coming to tea with me and have a delightful day enjoying the beauty in your life.


  • April 17, 2013

    So reflective Veronica. Thank you for sharing. I was wondering about your morning pages. Are you following one of Julia Cameron’s books? I’ve done her morning pages but haven’t done them in awhile.

      • April 18, 2013

        🙂 me too Veronica, for everything that you say. Fickle and all! I must admit that the creativity that comes out of those pages is amazing and it is so subtle sometimes. My problem is that I need to follow guidelines and with the morning pages I feel that if I don’t do them first thing in the morning I’m not doing them properly. First thing in the morning is the best though because so much comes out without us knowing it. What books have you done? I want to try the “Finding Water”one.

  • April 18, 2013

    une tragédie de plus , et gratuite
    merci de partager vos réflexions , elles sont tellement multiples
    et nous sommes complètement démunis pour lutter , contre ces actes violents
    je découvre que vous écrivez ? pouvez -vous m’indiquer un de vos livres
    en lisant , je partage une tasse de thé , bien chaude et réconfortante
    edith (iris)

  • April 20, 2013

    Very nice post. Love the typewriter!

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