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Walking thru the gate into the fields this December afternoon into a soft and misty world. Above me, a pigeon takes flight. Then five, then fifty. The trill of their frantic wing beats cut thru the softness. Then, the copse

Do you ever do this? Do you ever have to face a trying situation and look forward to a day ahead when you know that situation will be over? I’ve been doing that for three months now. Autumn’s been rather

I feel very Canadian some days. Yesterday I walked thru The Bay’s signature department. There’s something about those four colours that feel comfy and warm. They are called Queen Anne’s colours but I prefer the old First Nation’s folklore:

Yesterday we had a visit. Someone came knocking on the kitchen door. The female neighbourhood raccoon came by with her four almost fully grown kits. They came to look in on Morgan. “Look Morgan, one is touching your bowl.” “Look Morgan, one is standing on