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Hemming the curtains

I’m such a procrastinator!

Years ago my father bought five pair of the most beautiful, heavy, red velvet curtains form an estate sale in England. I always coveted them. He had gold velvet curtains in his house but bought the red ones in case his gold ones ever needed replacing. They didn’t, and he eventually gave the red ones to me. I’ve loved them and had them in my houses for years. Undoubtedly, everyone already saw them in some of the millions of photos I take round here. 🙂

But what you didn’t see are the unhemmed edges of the curtains in the living room. You see, these Craftsman windows are 11 ft long and the ceilings are so tall, that the very long curtains needed to have the generous hems let down to reach to the floor. making curtains the right way is essential as even a single wrong fold can make it look odd giving it an unprofessional and asymmetric look to the room. Thanks to my dad’s choices I had learnt a few things which I used while the place was going through renovation.

I did that when I moved here, now two years ago, and thought that I’d get around to the hemming soon…like a year and half ago already soon.

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They were stored upstairs in the loft/office/studio/craft space for the duration of the floor renovations, and I decided that there was no way they were going to be re-hung without being hemmed.

I took out the serger and threaded it with red thread. OMG! those things are hard to thread. In the end I snipped the threaded black thread, tied on the red thread and ran the chain till the red thread was thru all four needles. Two threads broke and had to be re-threaded, but better than four!

Then the sewing machine came out for a blind hem stitch.

In the end it only took about 15 minuted to hem those two velvet panels.

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Chloe came to keep me company and we watched some YouTube videos of X factor and Britain’s got talent auditions. We never watch these shows and actually we very rarely watch TV in Vancouver and so have no idea if these people won the show or not, but boy these were wonderful. We watched an absolutely amazing few singers including the most beautiful 50+yr old woman named Lillie McCloud, who sang “Alabaster Box”, wow we got chills, the loveliest girl named Alice Fredenham who sang “My Funny Valentine” and made me feel all weepy and a charming little girl named Carly Rose Sonenclar who sang “Feeling Good” and just ROCKED IT! Watch these talented gals if you have a chance.

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If you wish to find the best curtains for you and your family, I would recommend you check out the following link –

I just figured out that it might be nice if the links were here, so here thay are:
Lillie McCloud

Alice Fredenham

Carly Rose Sonenclar

Comments: 6

  • September 12, 2013

    OMG> I am addicted to velvet anything and have multiple velvet curtains with bullion fringe ? WHERE is the picture please V ? : )

  • Christie

    September 13, 2013

    Congratulations on getting them hemmed! I do the same thing – put things off that I think will take too much time and in the end they don’t take much time at all! Cute Kewpie doll! The monkey looks like it is having some lewd thoughts! LOL!

  • September 13, 2013

    now i know who to ask to hem something for me … i am a total loser when it comes to hems and buttons …

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